I found the audio quality of the built-in mics ... okay ... But wind noise can be bad. I saw several vloggers on YouTube testing external microphones, and decided to try the Rode VideoMicro. It noticeably improved the audio, especially in wind with the "dead cat" in place.
But the GoPro Hero 5 & 6 requires a USB-C adaptor cable with a big box that the mic plugs into. My first attempt at a rig was like many of the vlogger setups on YouTube. The mic attached to a cold shoe on top of the camera frame, with the adaptor and cable wrapped around the mic shoe.
A few of them noted problems with dead cat fur showing up in the top of frame, and I had that problem. I needed to raise it up somehow.
And I really hated the dangling box...
Back on the YouTube, one guy had built up a wad of Sugru - a kind of moldable, flexible glue - to mount the mic adaptor to the frame latch high enough that he could get to the camera's top button, then mounted the mic on top. That inspired me ...
(More after the break)